Kentucky Colonel Commission
The Commission is a document authorized under Common Law, signed by the Governor, the Secretary of State and was adopted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a way to recognize its most honorable and noteworthy citizens, landowners, protagonists and visitors in 1895. Commissioning colonels in Kentucky dates back to 1777 when it became Kentucky County, Virginia on January 1st when Col. John Bowman went to the Transylvania Colony to deliver the news that they were now part of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and to make new colonels under his mandate. The Kentucky Colonel Commission (the document) is letters patent, which is an entitlement tribute to the honor providing special rights, privileges and responsibilities with the title.
About the Kentucky Colonel Commission
The Commission is the "Document" and a "Commissioner" is the governor that is bestowing the Commission Certificate a Kentucky colonelcy. There is not a "committee of persons" that oversees the award or that directs a governor how to make the award.
Commissions have been awarded to Kentucky colonels under the Commonwealth of Virginia Common-Law since 1776 when Col. John Bowman bestowed the commission on the founders of Kentucky County who were earlier known as the founders of the Transylvania Colony with the words that empower a colonel. The practice of making colonels has been one of the powers of the Governors of the Colonies since 1651.
Kentucky Colonel Commission, Kentucky Colonel Award, Kentucky Colonel Benefits, Duties of Kentucky colonels, the Honorable Title, a Kentucky Colonel's Mission, Nominations, and a New Rich Historical Account can only be found here on our Kentucky Colonelcy WebSite!
Kentucky Colonel Commission