Things Called a "Kentucky Colonel"
There are many things that are or have been called a Kentucky Colonel; everything from WWII airplanes, to a brand name bourbon, to a mint plant, a cigar, a microbrewed beer and a seedless Kentucky coffee tree.
Plants, Planes, Trees, Beer, Whiskey, Tobacco and more...
If you did not know there are many things named after the Kentucky Colonel, some are more popular than others. There is the Kentucky Colonel Mint which is originated from a specimen collected in Harrodsburg and there are even several airplanes and pleasure craft that use the Kentucky Colonel Title as their name.
The P-47 Thunderbolt and its pilot were nicknamed "Kentucky Colonel". Major Crutchfield was a Kentucky colonel, during WWII the pilots commissioned named their airplanes. In the photo he is shown marking the plane after an air battle. The plane was engaged in D-Day.
Kentucky Colonel (Micro Brewed Ale)