Kentucky Colonelcy, A WebSite Bibliography

Enjoy hundreds of resources from our bibliographic library about the Kentucky Colonel as a defining and formative figure and ideal in Kentucky History, discover the 200+ reference works that suggest our narrative on our Kentucky Colonelcy website. 

Bibliography Resources

Commonwealth Colonels is an educational, informational, and non-commercial Creative Work a "WebSite". You may use its contents for non-commercial purposes that classify as "fair-use," such as personal, educational, and research purposes, provided you cite American Colonels Network (Kentucky Colonelcy) in subsequent presentations, publications, etc. 

To cite our WebSite, Commonwealth Colonels - Kentucky Colonelcy:

Wright, Col. David J. et al. Commonwealth Colonels. Accessed Dateor American Colonel's Network. "Kentucky Colonelcy". Accessed Date

Although some of the essays in the Commonwealth Colonels WebSite have been published in academic journals, our website is not a peer-reviewed website. In the case of essays based on academic papers, please cite them by quoting the journal, book, newspaper article where they were originally published rather than citing Commonwealth Colonels or the American Colonels Network. For a general citations on the history of colonelcy based on our work here you may cite our book ©2020|2022 Kentucky Colonels which is largely based on, but more succinct than, this website.

Wright, Colonel David J. et al. Kentucky Colonels: Forefathers, Founders and Model Figures of Kentucky Culture, Customs, Folklore, History, Music, Society, Traditions, and Values. Appendix: Bibliography Commonwealth Colonels WebSite Pre-Registered © 2020-2022, Madison County, Kentucky. Accessed Date

Much of the information for our book and our website was derived from the sources listed below.

John Filson's Map of 1784
Map Drafted by John Filson in 1784 is the proverbial smoking gun of the evidence of Kentucky Colonelcy since much prior to the date it was finally drafted in 1784 based on his personal travels to the Country of Kentucky where he met Col. Daniel Boone and wrote several books. This plate (map) appears in Filson's 1784 book that he began in 1780 in Kentucky meeting dozens of colonels.

Bibliography | Webliography

This WebSite and our Creative Works are in part based upon the following resources.